BUDAYA KEUSAHAWANAN ORANG MELAYU DI PONTIANAK, KALIMANTAN BARAT Entrepreneur culture of Malay community in Pontianak, West kalimantan

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Fatmawati Fatmawati


This research paper attempts to discuss the impact of the Malay entrepreneurship on the enterprise development. The skill of entrepreneurship among the Malay ancestors, who were prominent traders, had not been transferred to their descendents. Findings of the research show that the job orientation among the Malay society has been dependent on the traditional values where mostly the Malays perceive that being “civil servant” is considered a respected carriers and promising the brighter future and, thus, not interested to become entrepreneurs. The Malay yields the employees’ mentality, and not to become productive economic actors. However, a few of the Malays become  entrepreneurs, who are involved in medium and small scale of the micro economy. The paper also argues that improper and disproportional understanding of the hereafter life has made lost of their work ethical values for their entrepreneurship development and, thus, became a very low work force. Unlike their ancestors in the past, the Malays could not become a respected ethnic group.


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