DIMENSI EKONOMI-POLITIK PENDATANG ASAL INDONESIA DI SABAH The Political-Economy Dimension of Indonesian Immigrants in Sabah

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W.Shawaluddin W.Hasaan
Zaini Othman
Marja Azlima Omar


This article seeks to analyze the political economic dimension of the Indonesian
immigrants in Sabah. It focuses primarily on the selected issues, namely, Indonesian labour, illegal immigrants, remittance, Tionghua refugees, barter trade, and smuggling activities. This paper also examines the involvement of the Indonesian immigrants in the Sabah’s economic sector. Their achievement in the society at large is also assessed. Lastly, this paper concludes that the presence of Indonesian immigrants, regardless of their status as temporary foreign immigrants from Indonesia (PAAI) or Indonesian immigrants (PAI) leaves significant impactson the societal structure of the Sabahan, particularly on the aspect of the political economy.


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