SEJARAH SOSIAL PENGLIBATAN ORANG SIKH DALAM PASUKAN KESELAMATAN DI BORNEO UTARA, 1882-1949 Sosial History of the Involvement of the Sikh Community in the North Borneo Security Force, 1882-1949

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Sarjit S. Gill


The majority of Sikhs who migrated from Punjab to North Borneo worked in the security sector either became polices or army. However, due to the limited sources that deal with the history and the role of Sikhs in the British colonial security forces in Malaysia’s history, many people are not aware of why the British colonials employed Sikhs as secuirty forces and not other races. Eagerness and trusts of the British in Sikhs as the martial race led to the involvement of the huge number of Sikhs in defence and security cross over the British colonies, namely, India, Canada, Fiji, Burma, Hong Kong, New Zeland, and Australia. As such, the involvement of the Sikhs in security sectors need to be examined in order to discern the impact of colonialism on the indigenious colony’s society. However, as the times passed, the Skhis as the martial race has been deterioated as their yought are not interested any more in their ancestor’s carier. This paper attempts to explore the history of the social involvement of Sikhs in the security forces in North Borneo, Sabah. The firt part of this paper begins with history of the involvement of Sikhs in the security sector since 1882, when the Registered North Borneo Company established Noth Bornea Constabulary Army (CBBU). The second part deals with the involvement of Sikhs in the prison management. This paper argues that the involvment of Sikhs in the security sector had a significant impact on the expansion and preservation
of the British colonialism in North Borneo. 



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