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M. J. Musa
A. Mohammad
A. Adamu
Y. A. Sha’aban
I. Saleh


This paper presents techniques for improving dual-axis
solar tracking system for maximum energy conversion.
The design maintains the solar panel at 900 to the solar
rays throughout the hours of the day at Zaria, Kaduna
state of Nigeria. The system was designed to ensure an
automatic control of solar tracking using Light
Dependent Resistors (LDRs) attached to both sides of
the frame, which houses the solar panel. Tracking
motor spin is controlled when the LDRs are exposed to
different solar intensity. It was observed that a
maximum output voltage of 20.2V was achieved
between 8:30am to 5:30pm when the device was used,
which has proved the efficiency of solar conversion.
The output voltages (V01 and V02) from the
comparators IC were tested during, motor in stationary
position, motor spins in clockwise direction and when
the motor spins in anti-clockwise direction to ascertain
the system operation. V01 and V02 were found to obey
the theoretical operation of the system by
complementing each other at pin1 and pin7 of the dual
comparators respectively.


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