Journal of Chinese Literature And Culture 馬大華人文學與文化學刊
<p>The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (JCLC) is a multi-disciplinary journal publication published bi-annually to provide a platform for excellent academicians or postgraduate students to publish their research findings. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the field of Chinese literature and culture.</p> <p>《华人文学与文化学刊》是马来亚大学中文系学术性刊物,暂定为半年刊,期以提供学者与研究生们一个发表研究成果的平台。我们征收与古今华人文学、文化相关的稿件,类型包括论文与书评。</p>Department of Chinese Studies, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malayaen-USJournal of Chinese Literature And Culture 馬大華人文學與文化學刊2289-232X