Bentuk Tajuk Nama: Perubahan-Perubahan Oi Dalam Katalog-Katalog Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya


  • Molly Chuah
  • Jalaludin Hj. Musa
  • Noriyah Nor Abd. Rahim


Before 7982, description of items in the University of Malaya Library card catalogues was done in accordance with rules specified in the first edition of the Anglo- American Cataloging Rules (AACR 7) with some local modifications. However with effect from 7st January 7982, the main author-title and subject card catalogues were closed. Records of new items are processed in MALMARC format and maintained in microfiche format (t.e. COM catalogue). Along with these changes, the Library has also decided to adopt the rules for description of items as laid down in the second edition of the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR 2). Essentially, the new headings formulated will be in the form most likely to be known to readers, i.e. the form most commonly appearing in works or citations, unlike the inverted or indirect forms found in many of the old AACR 7 entries. Consequently, some headings in the card catalogue will be In conflict with those in the COM catalogue. To facilitate the use of the catalogues, It is therefore essential that we bring our readers' attention to the major changes in the following types of name headings: personal author, corporate bodies, series, geographic names and uniform titles.







