<p><strong>SARJANA</strong> is an international peer-reviewed multi-disciplinary journal published twice a year by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya. SARJANA is indexed in UDLedge Social Sciences & Humanities Citation Index (SS&HCI), Google Scholar, the Malaysian Citation Centre - MyCite Citation Report and in the Bibliography of Asian Studies (<em>Bibliography of Asian Studies</em> (BAS) is the most comprehensive Western-language database for research on East, Southeast and South Asia. It covers all subjects with special focus on the humanities and social sciences). </p> <p> </p> <p><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" /></p> <p> </p> <p><em>OVERVIEW:</em></p> <p>Discipline(s) / Subdiscipline(s): </p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><span class="feinstructioncontent">1. Arts & Humanities</span><br /><span class="feinstructioncontent"> - Philosophy</span><br /><span class="feinstructioncontent"> - Literature</span></p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"> - Language</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"> - Religion<br /><br /><span class="feinstructioncontent"> 2. Social Sciences</span><br /><span class="feinstructioncontent"> - Area Studies</span><br /><span class="feinstructioncontent"> - Political Science</span></p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"> - Sociology</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"> - Anthropology</p> <p style="margin: 0in; margin-bottom: .0001pt;"> - Development Studies</p> <p><br />E-ISSN: 2289-5434<br />Print ISSN: 1823-7746<br />Publisher: University of Malaya<br />Publication type: Print & Electronic<br />Publication frequency: 2 time(s) per year<br />Journal Website:</p> <p>Contact Info</p> <p>Chief Editor,<br />SARJANA,<br />Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,<br />University of Malaya, Lembah Pantai,<br />50603, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia<br /><br />E-mel: <a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> <p> SARJANA, the journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya, is a multi-disciplinary journal published twice a year in June and December by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Articles should be between 5,000 to 8,000 words.</p>Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,University of Malayaen-USSARJANA1823-7746STUDENT ACCULTURATION JOURNEY: CULTURAL INTELLIGENCE AND ACCULTURATION AMONG MALAYSIAN STUDENTS IN FRANCE
<p>The understanding of cultural intelligence in France is significant to develop deep comprehension and appreciation of the French language, enabling effective cross-cultural communication and engagement in the French-speaking world. Despite existing studies in cultural intelligence development little is known about Malaysian-French cultural adaptation and acculturation. In response to this gap, this research elaborates on the development of Malaysian-French cultural intelligence and explores the changes in the acculturation process for acquiring cultural intelligence among Malaysian students in France. A total of 60 Malaysian students completed the 39 items E-CQS (Extended Cultural Intelligence Scale). Results showed that the stay enhanced high motivational CQ along with metacognitive CQ, cognitive CQ, and behavioural CQ. There was a significant correlation between language proficiency and student CQ. However, there was no correlation between students' period of residency in France and cultural intelligence level. Interestingly, participants demonstrated the highest CQ score in the dataset resided in France for a short duration. The findings of this study have shown the importance of the positive acculturation journey of Malaysian students in demonstrating an excellent level of CQ, as supported by findings indicating that the quality of exposure to diverse cultural environments is more influential than the duration of residency in the host country.</p> <p> </p>Ardini Marisya Mohd. AgusalimWan Ikhlas Wan Mohtar
Copyright (c) 2025 SARJANA
<p>In 2021, Malaysia achieved impressive completion rates of 99.8% for lower secondary education and 97.8% for upper secondary education. However, only 4% of marginalized non-citizen children are enrolled in primary education, and just 16% in secondary education. These figures are significantly lower than global refugee enrolment rates, which are 68% for primary and 37% for secondary education. Given the global resettlement rate that is below 1%, it is crucial for Malaysia to increase refugee learners’ enrolment in education programs. This study employs a systematic literature review to compare education models from six other refugee-hosting countries - Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon - to identify the most effective education model for refugees in Malaysia. The findings uncovered that there is no universal approach as different models are effective at varying context and time frame. The literature review also reveals coherent views on Alternative Learning Centre model as the most appropriate framework for Malaysia’s current context. However, given the prolonged stay of refugees, the paper argues for gradual integration into the national education system. Hence, the recommendations address models relevant to both scenarios, operationalizing them by leveraging accessible resources through their socio-ecological system.</p>Norani Abu BakarThirunaukarasu Subramaniam
Copyright (c) 2025 SARJANA
<p>Social media has become a tool that facilitates almost all areas of our lives be it shopping, work, entertainment. However, the rate of consumption of social network sites (SNS) increases during natural disasters, military conflicts and states of emergencies such as the recent Covid-19 pandemic. This occurs due to various factors ranging from the necessity to stay updated about recent news and measures to the need for escaping from negative affect such as stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms. However, SNS can become a source of heightened stress, anxiety and depression symptoms if not well managed or used excessively. The aim of the current study is to investigate the relationship between SNS use, stress, anxiety and symptoms of depression in the context of Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, the study attempted to establish the criteria to measure excessive SNS use. A total of 266 participants aged 18-26 years old students of a public university in Penang, Malaysia completed an online survey containing SNS use self-report, Bergen’s Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) and Depression, Anxiety, Stress scale (DASS-21). Findings suggested a significant relationship between SNS use and stress, and SNS use was not a significant predictor for anxiety and depression levels. Additionally, the findings showed that in accordance with BSMAS mean scores and SNS daily use of the current sample, more than 4 hours of SNS use could be considered as excessive. If excessive use was defined as a discrepancy between current and ideal SNS use and BSMAS scale, an interval of more than 1 hour between actual and ideal SNS use is to be considered as excessive.</p>Kseniia KondratenkoSuzanna Awang BonoWeng-Tink Chooi
Copyright (c) 2025 SARJANA
<p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Kepelbagaian indikator pemilihan karya sastera dalam pembelajaran bahasa menimbulkan kekeliruan dalam menentukan bahan yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran Bidang Estetika (BE) bahasa Kadazandusun di sekolah peringkat menengah atas. Demi mengatasi kekeliruan itu, rangkuman indikator dan sub-indikator dari pelbagai sumber kepustakaan dan temu bual dijalankan. Tinjauan kepustakaan umum dan kepustakaan khusus Kadazandusun dijalankan untuk memperoleh data-data naratif indikator dan sub-indikator. Manakala temu bual diadakan dengan guru-guru bahasa Kadazandusun untuk mendapatkan maklum balas berbentuk data naratif tentang kaedah yang mereka gunakan untuk memilih karya sastera. Berdasarkan data-data naratif indikator dan sub-indikator yang diperoleh, rangkuman dijalankan dengan menggunakan kaedah Conventional Content Analysis (CCA). Analisis dijalankan untuk mengkategori tema-tema indikator dan sub-indikator. Rangkuman yang dihasilkan dari analisis CCA dibangun menjadi Tipologi Protokol Pemilihan Karya (TPPK) sastera Kadazandusun. Hasil rangkuman menunjukkan terdapat enam (6) indikator dan 133 sub-indikator dalam TPPK. Enam indikator itu terdiri daripada bahasa, sastera, guru, pelajar kurikulum dan budaya masyarakat. Sementara 133 sub-indikator terangkum dalam indikator bahasa (16), sastera (36), guru (35), pelajar (24), kurikulum (9) dan budaya masyarakat (13). Berdasarkan pengkategorian tema dari sumber kepustakaan khusus dan temu bual guru, maka indikator dan sub-indikator TPPK memiliki kontekstualiti sebagai kriteria pemilihan karya sastera untuk pembelajaran BE bahasa Kadazandusun. Seterusnya TPPK digunakan untuk menganalisis kandungan karya sastera Kadazandusun genre puisi dan prosa untuk memilih karya yang sesuai sebagai bahan pembelajaran BE bahasa Kadazandusun di sekolah peringkat menengah atas.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>T<em>he diversity of indicators for selecting literary works in language learning creates confusion in determining suitable materials for teaching the Aesthetic Field (BE) of the Kadazandusun language at the upper secondary level. To address this confusion, a synthesis of indicators and sub-indicators from various sources of literature review and interviews was conducted. A general literature review and specific Kadazandusun literature were carried out to gather narrative data on the indicators and sub-indicators. Interviews were conducted with Kadazandusun language teachers to obtain narrative feedback regarding the methods they use to select literary works. Based on the narrative data obtained from the indicators and sub-indicators, a synthesis was conducted using the Conventional Content Analysis (CCA) method. The analysis was performed to categorize the themes of the indicators and sub-indicators. The synthesis resulting from the CCA analysis was developed into the Kadazandusun Literary Work Selection Protocol Typology (TPPK). The synthesis revealed that there are six (6) indicators and 133 sub-indicators in the TPPK. These six indicators consist of language, literature, teachers, students, curriculum, and community culture. Meanwhile, the 133 sub-indicators are categorized under the language (16), literature (36), teacher (35), student (24), curriculum (9), and community culture (13) indicators. Based on the categorization of themes from the specific literature sources and teacher interviews, the indicators and sub-indicators of the TPPK possess contextuality as criteria for selecting literary works for teaching the BE of the Kadazandusun language. The TPPK is then used to analyse the content of Kadazandusun literary works in the genres of poetry and prose to select suitable works as teaching materials for the BE of the Kadazandusun language at the upper secondary level.</em></p>Henry BatingRosy TalinMohd Khairuddin @ Jerry AbdullahMusirin Mosin
Copyright (c) 2025 SARJANA
2024-12-312024-12-313925072BOOK REVIEW
<p>Pendekatan pencegahan penggunaan dadah melalui pendidikan di peringkat bangku sekolah sebenarnya telah lama dilakukan. Antara pendekatan itu ialah melukis poster berkaitan penyalahgunaan dadah. Individu yang lahir pada era 80-an pastinya melalui pengalaman melukis dan mewarna poster tersebut. Antara poster yang popular adalah gambar tengkorak dengan lilin di atas kepala. Poster ini memberikan mesej bahawa dadah adalah bahan berbahaya dan boleh membawa kepada kematian. Memandangkan masalah penyalahgunaan dadah semakin meruncing dan membahayakan keselamatan negara, kerajaan telah mengisytiharkan dadah sebagai musuh nombor satu negara pada tahun 1983. Kini, mereka yang lahir di tahun 80-an tersebut pastinya telah berusia lebih 40 tahun, usia yang lebih kurang sama dengan musuh nombor satu negara itu. Namun, penyalahgunaan dadah tetap berleluasa di negara. Pada masa yang sama, perang ke atasnya tetap tidak pernah berhenti sehingga ke hari ini.</p>Aisha HikmaRiki RahmanMaifuza Abdul Malik
Copyright (c) 2025 SARJANA