An Experience in STEM: A case study in planting


  • Sian-Hoon Teoh University Teknologi MARA Selangor
  • Mohd Sollehuddin Ab Gani Merbau Kilat Resources, 1197, Lorong 7, Kampung Merbau Sempak, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Malaysia
  • Sheiladevi Sukumaran Faculty of Education, Language and Psychology, SEGI University Malaysia


community, STEM activities, 21st-century skills


Unemployment is one of the most concerning issues facing university graduates. Graduates' inability to apply 21st-century talents such as soft skills (including communication, presentation, and leadership skills) and technical skills is one of the reasons for their unemployment. STEM activities can help students develop the skills they will need in the twenty-first century. In this study, a single-subject case study was employed to collect qualitative data. The individual is portrayed as a public university undergraduate student. The case study was undertaken to see how the individual was driven to pursue a STEM job other than to investigate how crucial STEM skills are in the growth of a career. The investigation looks at the student's first job, which was as an entrepreneur in planting. The participant was interviewed, and the data was analyzed into themes. The participant reflected that planting skills were built naturally and integrated with 21st-century skills, including collaboration skills. The integrated skills were demonstrated with more practical success regarding the utilizing of STEM knowledge with the community’s assistance. This study provides insights on ways to develop a STEM workforce in nature, especially during the outbreak of Covid-19. It also highlights the essential role in assisting the development of STEM for any career development.



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