pyknodysostosis, osteomyelitis, complication, extraction, antibioticsAbstract
Pyknodysostosis is a rare sclerosing bone disorderwith autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Thecondition is characterized by continuous bonedeposition without physiological resorption,occurring mainly in the trabecular and not thecortical bone. The skeletal features include shortstature, brachycephaly, open cranial sutures andfontanelles, diffuse osteosclerosis and obtusemandibular angles. Among the oral featuresobserved were grooved or furrowed palate anddisturbances in eruption and exfoliation of teeth.Multiple fractures of long bones and osteomyelitisof the jaw are frequent complications. These areattributed to the increased brittleness and reducedvascularity of the bone as a result of continuousendosteal bone deposition. Treatment is usuallysuccessful with surgical management and sustainedbactericidal antibiotic therapy, although hyperbaricoxygen has been recommended as adjunct treatmentin the more refractory form.
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