Investigating natural ventilation performance on apartment units in Jakarta based on field test measurements

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Chely Novia Bramiana
Aminuddin. A. M. R
Ismail. M.A


The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way of living of many people across the planet. In the beginning of the pandemic, when the strict lockdown was implemented, numbers of individual were encouraged to work from home. In the city living, high rise living were apparent and became a global phenomenon. This paper evaluates natural ventilation performances of existing apartment units in Jakarta, Indonesia by measuring the indoor temperature, indoor airflow and relative humidity. This research studied three different apartment units in Jakarta in the form of single-sided ventilation or cross ventilation. This study conducted by field test measurement on three different apartment units across Jakarta with various natural ventilation strategy and room volume. Statistical analysis was carried out to investigate the relationship and influence between the results of field test measurement and external weather data collected from ERA5. The results of the analysis suggested that external weather influence the indoor air condition, especially indoor temperature where significant influence was apparent. Furthermore, the field test data measurement in this paper contributed to validation study in predicting indoor airflow.


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