Impact of 5G Network on the Malaysian Real Estate Industry: Future Homebuyers’ Perspective

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Rohayu Ab Majid
Rosli Said
Razali. M. M. N
Tan Shi Huat


The 5G development in Malaysia is still in the preliminary stage. The potential of the development is extremely high which will impact the real estate industry. The impact of 5G development on the Malaysian real estate industry may be assessed from the perspective of prospective property buyers because the real estate is developed for consumers. This research examined the impact of 5G development on the Malaysian real estate industry. The data was obtained through a questionnaire survey distributed to the respondents consisting of the targeted group of prospective house buyers. Exploratory Factor Analysis was employed as the main method of analysis. The factors of sustainability tested from the questionnaire survey were derived from the framework established from the literature review. The study finds that the majority of respondents rate considered all the identified factors as very important to assess the impact of 5G development in Malaysia. Thus, the results indicated that Malaysian prospective home buyers agreed that there will be an impact of 5G development towards the real estate industry. According to the respondents, all of the sustainability variables evaluated will affect the Malaysian real estate market. Therefore, the real estate market players must consider the trend of 5G development in order to deliver essential products and services while taking sustainability factors into account to suit the demands and preferences of future homebuyers.


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