Thermal Comfort and Microclimate in Indoor Spaces of Low-rise Residential Buildings in Dry Tropical Climate

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Kevin Therán-Nieto
Raúl Pérez-Arévalo
Jesús Marín-Carranza
Andrés Caballero-Calvo


The aim of this research is to analyze thermal comfort and microclimate for indoor spaces in low-rise residential buildings in dry tropical climate. The study area is the municipality of Palmar de Varela in northern Colombia. The experimental methodology is based on measuring three microclimatic parameters: air temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH) and natural ventilation (W). The study assessed the thermal sensation in indoor spaces based on Thermal Sensation Vote (TSV) and Predicted mean vote (PMV). Data gathered from surveys were analyzed with data mining technologies. The findings suggest that suspended ceilings and ceramic tiles aid to the thermal equilibrium of the building, resulting in a 1.1 °C decrease in indoor air temperature. Likewise, the correlation between temperature and wind (r = -0.72; -0.56) indicates that natural ventilation in buildings can alleviate thermal discomfort. Based on the thermal sensation evaluation, the predominant feeling reported by interviewees in indoor spaces was warm (2) in S1 and S2, and slightly warm (1) in S3. In addition, the correlation between air temperature and comfort sensation in indoor spaces (r = 0.64; 0.44) suggests that temperature has a direct impact on thermal sensation votes.


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