Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊 <p><strong><em>Journal of Sinological Studies</em> (ISSN 2180-4729)</strong>, published by the Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, is a peer-reviewed multi-lingual, mainly English and Chinese, and multi-disciplinary international journal that publishes research findings on classical Chinese Studies, in the areas of Chinese classics, history, philosophy and thought, literature, and religion.</p> Department of Chinese Studies, Universiti Malaya en-US Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊 2180-4729 孟子孝道思想中 “情”与“义”的关系探赜 ——以《孟子》为研究对象 <p>Filial piety pays attention to the relationship between parents and children, and in the process of extending from the family field to the public field, the private relationship in the family field and the public morality in the public field sometimes conflict with each other under specific circumstances. From a standpoint, family filial piety is inevitably criticized. If we can re-examine filial piety from the perspective of "feeling" and "righteousness", interpret the meaning and value of Confucian classics, and seek the consistent spiritual value core of filial piety that transcends the times.</p> Lulu ZHENG, Chee Men LIM Copyright (c) 2022 Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 13 1 1 21 晚明《二拍》中公与私之体现 <p>The novels of the late Ming Dynasty, <em>Slapping Table in Amazement-First Series</em> and <em>Slapping Table in Amazement-Second Series</em> (referred to as <em>Er Pai</em>) are novels that describe the development of the common people in the late Ming Dynasty in terms of interaction and contact in thought, life, and social activities. From the novels that can deeply explore the issues of people’s livelihood in the late Ming Dynasty, to understand that many stories show the unique culture of scholars and merchants through the negotiation and integration of the two classes of scholars and merchants. The contact and interaction between scholars and merchants in <em>Er Pai</em> enriches the description of each character’s choice of public and private in the stories. It also reflects the relationship between public and private in the late Ming Dynasty. It depicts the circuitous plots of merchants oppressing poor Confucian scholars, merchants doing good deeds and helping others, officials asking for orders for the people, and officials and merchants colluding for profit. It was highlighting the intricate entanglements between public and private in the late Ming Dynasty. <em>Er Pai</em> clearly outlines the influences on the characters of all classes living in a utilitarian society in the late Ming Dynasty. “Public” is synonymous that representing social interests with the pursuit of justice and the protection of public rights and interests. It is not entirely hostile to “private”. Under the category of “public”, making a living in a reasonable and legal way of profit-seeking is a positive “private” and can be accepted by the public. On the contrary, it is a negative “private” to seek profit by means of disregarding reason and law, and it is an act that is discarded by the world. From the novels can learn about the grasp of public and private by the scholars-merchants class when faced with life choices, and the reasons for the blurring of the boundaries between public and private. This thesis takes <em>Er Pai</em> as the research text, aiming at the embodiment of public and private in the novels. In order to explore the consideration and choice of public and private by the scholars and merchants when facing the public rights and personal interests, and the relationship between public and private in the late Ming Dynasty.&nbsp;</p> Wei Yee LOW Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 13 1 22 48 論《紅樓夢》中疾病意象的文學功能 <p>疾病是人類社會常見的生存經驗之一,也是藝術領域,包括文學、繪畫、音樂等經常涉及的主題。文學中的疾病主題主要有兩方面,一是對現實生活中客觀疾病的描繪與書寫,二是具有象徵、隱喻等社會文化方面的多重意義,也就是一種文學的審美手段和敘事策略。《紅樓夢》中對疾病的描寫豐富多彩,疾病話語和疾病續寫精彩絕倫令人嘆服,本文書寫《紅樓夢》中典型的疾病案例,結合疾病詩學的批評觀念,對其進行文學功能的剖析。</p> 張惠思, 謝雨珊 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 13 1 49 60 浅析民国忆语中的女性形象 ——以《寄心琐语》胡淑娟为例 <p>Memory breaks the practice of rarely marriage in classical literature. As a literati in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Yu Shimei’s <em>Jixinsuoyu</em> is a good work of "giving couple" in the memory work. The study of this work can make up for the gap in the field of memory and provide a new breakthrough for the research of amnesia. The article focuses on analysing the characters of the author's wife Hu Shujuan, discussing her life, virtue, talent, and the reshaping of a new flesh and blood and thoughtful woman image. Through in-depth exploration of the <em>Jixinsuoyu</em>, the true friendship between husband and wife in the work can be felt. From the aspects of the experiences and the author's memory, we shall have a better understand its literary value and research significance.</p> Tian You CHEN Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 13 1 61 76 黎紫书与法蒂玛·布素 小说中的性别伦理 <p>黎紫书和法蒂玛因自身的女性身份,小说常流露出女性关怀,却又因各自族群文化差异而对性别议题有不同的见解。她们作品反映了父权社会文化下女性的境遇,以直接声援女性或反向解构父权的方式表达追求性别平等之理念。然而,若将两者的性别意识并置作比较,之间的差异与矛盾便显而易见——性别平等之理念是否绝对平等,以及性别平权发展空间的宽窄?关于性别的伦理与限制,本文以“身体与形象”、“性别期待与精神追求”以及“性与罪愆”三个面向作论述,以探究黎紫书与法蒂玛性别意识里的性别伦理观。</p> <p>Li Zishu and Fatimah Busu are both indigenous writers of Malaysia. Their literary writings reveal a sense of concern over women due to their own female identity, but at the same time show different points of view towards gender issues due to their respective ethnic cultures. Their writings reflect the situation of women living in patriarchal social culture, and express the idea of pursuing gender equality by directly expressing their stands, or diametrically deconstructing patriarchy in their works. When juxtaposing their gender consciousness, the distinction and contradiction between them would be obvious, in which this comparison would lead to the questions: Is the idea of gender equality pursuing absolution? Also, what is the space for the idea to grow? Regarding the gender ethics and constraints, this essay is aimed to find out the gender ethics in the gender consciousness of Li Zishu and Fatimah Busu from three perspectives, which are “body and image”, “gender expectation and spiritual pursuit” and “sex and sin”.</p> Chin Huan EE, Lih Lih WONG Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Sinological Studies 漢學研究學刊 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 13 1 77 100 书评:陈亮著《欧美楚辞学论纲》 <p><strong>Book Review: <em>Outline of the Studies of </em>Chu Ci<em> in Europe and America</em> by Chen Liang.</strong></p> 何奕恺 Ho Yi Kai Copyright (c) 2022 2022 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 13 1 101 106