试论道教中和之道与生态和谐 On Taoist Principal of Moderation and Ecological Harmony


  • Changyun Ding


Following our excessive exploitation of Nature’s resources in present-day society, our ecosystem has suffered severe damage, and Mankind’s survival, as well as development, is under major threat. In order to leave behind, for our descendants, a healthy ecological environment, the historical duty is undeniably on us to develop a set of ecological ethics to promote a harmonious relationship with Nature. Inspired by the Taoist principle of Moderation, and based on the ideals of conservation and promoting the harmonious development of Man and Nature, this paper analyses the current ecological environmental issues. This paper is also a research on the eco-ethics in Taoism, as well as a presentation on the efforts of the Chinese Taoist community with respect to the active promotion of the building of modern eco-spaces. In addition, it ponders about the future of the development of ecological harmony. Firstly, this paper analyses the Taoist view “The essence of Tao lies in adherence to natural laws”, raising the point that Man and all living things are the embodiment of Tao, and are the combined entity of the Tao, as well as the fact that Man and all living things live interdependently. This explains the eco-ethics of the Taoist principle of Moderation. Secondly, it provides an in-depth analysis of the Taoist view “Heaven and Man are one”, and uses the knowledge of “the harmonious interdependence of man and nature” to explain the harmonious relationship of Man and Nature, in addition to the laws of Nature that Mankind must abide by. Thirdly, it gives a concluding analysis
of the eco-development issue based on several directions, for instance, the present efforts by the Taoist community in the promotion of ecological protection, conservation, and eco-friendly ideals. This paper has a full exposition of the construction of eco-friendly temples, the push for eco-construction and the practice for such harmonious development. In the mean time, it also expresses the Taoism view regarding “the harmonious interdependence of man and nature” to bring forth the concept that we should progress based on such and to emphasize the importance of being environmentally conscious. This paper conveys the wonderful dream of modern Taoism that we should build a harmonious relation with Nature. It calls on us to pay more attention to our natural environment and
strive towards such a dream. 

Keywords: Taoism, The principle of moderation, ecological harmony


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