- International Journal of Quranic Research2024-12-31T23:51:25+08:00Dr. Abdollatif Ahmadi Journal Systems<p align="justify"><strong>QURANICA - International Journal of Quranic Research (ISSN 2289-5396 | eISSN 2590-4167)</strong> is an international trilingual (Arabic, English & Malay) peer-reviewed bi-annual journal published by Centre of Quranic Research (CQR), Universiti Malaya. This QURANICA journal has replaced the formerly journal known as <strong>International Journal on Quranic Research (ISSN 2180-4893)</strong>, and it has been considered as a continuation of the previously published issues. It reflects on the full range of current scholarly works on Quranic Studies. All submitted manuscripts will undergo an initial screening by an editor and then a rigorous double-blind peer-review process, and finally, editorial scrutiny. <a href="">More >>></a></p>, Death, Resurrection, and The Afterlife: A Comparitive Study of Contexts of Eschatological Verses in Surat Al-Hajj and a Sample of Other Suras of The Quran 2024-12-30T23:24:28+08:00Saleh Muhammad Harunur Rashid<p>The objective of this article is to explore contexts of eschatological verses in the Quran, using a comparative study of nineteen eschatological verses in <em>Surat al-Hajj</em> and a stratified systematic sample of twenty-four verses from twenty-one suras of the Quran. For in-depth interpretations, we also compare eschatological verses in two cohorts of Surat al-Hajj, namely <em>Surat al-Zumar</em> and <em>Surat Ghaffir</em>. A qualitative <em>content analysis</em> of semantics of individual verses and a <em>context analysis</em> of several passages provides the basis of our interpretations. One of the findings of this study is that there is a close association between eschatological verses and certain elements of tawhid in such verses. Another significant finding is that a binary choice of belief or lack of belief in tawhid and resurrection provides a theoretical/pedagogical context for several eschatological verses. Although these theoretical concepts are repeated in each sample sura, Surat al-Hajj differs from its two cohorts in its unique structural characteristics. Whereas it begins its preamble with eschatological verses, its second section is devoted to Hajj and its third section segues into a broader discourse on tawhid. In contrast, Surat al-Zumar describes both tawhid and eschatological messages in its entire text, displaying only weakly differentiated sections. Like Surat al-Hajj, Surat Ghaffir contains similar frequencies of eschatological verses, but its preamble is dominated by tawhid messages, whereas Surat al-Hajj starts with a stark warning of an apocalyptic end of this world.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Halal Food Quality in The Light of The Quran: A Study of Animal Slaughtering and Environmental Pollution2024-12-30T23:30:23+08:00Mudher Ali Hussein Ali Gobaili Hassan Zulkifli Mohd<p>Animals slaughtered for believers’ consumptions must meet requirements stated in the Islamic Holy book. Halal (HL) meat is the only food permitted for Muslims in accordance with the Islamic law and Sharia. This study aimed to present the major rules of HL food that were well-defined in Sharia to persist undamaged and intact meat through slaughtering process. The study revealed that the Islamic HL slaughtering process in this study exhibited the highest weight of blood-out assembled while the Electrical stunning (ES) slaughtering process decreased it. Therefore, meat processors prefer slaughtering methods that produce better quality meat and more profound effect for environment.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Morphological Shifts in Definiteness or Indefiniteness in Arabic- Amharic Translation of The Holy Qur’an2024-12-30T23:36:51+08:00Mohammed Miftah Zeinumiftahm84@gmail.comDessalegn Hagos Asfawwesendezeseze16@gmail.comEndris Mohammed<p>The main objective of this study is to analyze morphological shifts of definiteness/indefiniteness in Arabic–Amharic translation of the Holy Qur’an. The study is a qualitative study with descriptive and content analysis design. It relies on primary linguistic data. The data are obtained from the Holy Qur’an and its Amharic translation by co-translators Muhammad Thani and Sayyid (1969). The data are extracted using purposive sampling technique. The findings of the study reveal that Shifts in definiteness/indefiniteness have been observed in the translation of the Holy Qur’an from Arabic into Amharic. Both Arabic and Amharic use definite and indefinite form of a noun; however, sometimes a definite noun in Arabic is textually used in the indefinite form in Amharic. This shows that the translators of the Holy Qur’an from Arabic into Amharic used intra-system translation shift.</p>2024-12-30T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 of Literalism and Rejection of The Concept of Majāz on Nuṣūṣ Mutashābihāt: An Analysis from The Perspective of Al-Ashā‘Irah2024-12-31T20:04:03+08:00Muhamad Alihanafiah Sobri Asyran Safwan<p>The interpretation of naṣ mutashābihāt, whether from the Qur'an or the Hadith, as well as their comprehension, must adhere to the methodologies outlined by reputable scholars. This is deemed crucial to ensure that the understanding derived from such texts aligns with the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, particularly in the context of creed and belief. However, there exists a group of individuals who reject the methodologies established by these scholars, despite the fact that one of the foundational principles of their approach to understanding naṣ mutashābihāt is the acknowledgment of the concept of majāz (metaphor) and the rejection of literalism. This is because the denial of majāz concerning naṣ mutashābihāt and a literal interpretation of such texts often lead to misunderstandings of the intended meanings of the naṣ. Hence, this study aims to examine and analyze the implications of literalism and the rejection of the concept of majāz on naṣ mutashābihāt from the perspective of al-Ashā‘irah. This is a library-based study that employs descriptive analysis of the texts of esteemed scholars in the fields of exegesis and theology concerning naṣ mutashābihāt. The study finds that literalism in engaging with naṣ mutashābihāt and the denial of the concept of majāz in the Qur'an and Hadith result in the crimes of anthropomorphism (tajsīm) and assimilation (tashbīh) among those who associate themselves with Islam, ultimately equating Allah Ta‘āla with His creation under the guise of interpretation and religion.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Intelligence in Quranic Exegesis: A Critical Analytical Study of ChatGPT Technology2024-12-31T20:19:07+08:00Mahdi Kais Abdulkarim<p>Recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in employing artificial intelligence technologies in various fields, including the religious domain, where large language models such as ChatGPT have been utilized to provide interpretations of religious texts like the Holy Quran. This study aims to evaluate the accuracy and appropriateness of using ChatGPT in Quranic interpretation through conducting a comparative analytical study between the interpretations provided by this technology and those presented by traditional Quranic scholars. The study concluded that the interpretation provided by ChatGPT does not meet the required level of accuracy and depth, and suffers from the absence of historical and religious context of Quranic verses. The study emphasizes the necessity of developing frameworks and guidelines for the safe use of artificial intelligence in the field of Quranic interpretation to ensure compliance with the conditions and principles of exegesis.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dialectic of The Formulations of The Reasons for Revelation Between Imam Al-Zarqani and The Opinions of The Interpreters And Scholars of The Qur’an2024-12-31T23:51:25+08:00Heba Majdul Dden Khazer Khazer<p>This research is concerned – in the light of the descriptive approach accompanied by the analytical, critical and comparative approaches– to study al-Zurqani’s attitude of the formulas of the reasons of revelation and his division of them into explicit and possible formulas. In addition, it discusses the resulting division of forwarding the explicit formula on the potential of contradiction, by extrapolating the statements of former and later scholars of Qur'anic studies, particularly the later ones by measuring the extent to which they were affected by his position and their position on it. The research consists of a preface, four sections and a conclusion. The first section indicates the opinion of the commentators before Al-Zurqani in considering the formulas of the reasons of revelation. The second section is concerned to display the former scholars’ opinions. In the third section, we clarify the division of Al-Zurqani by presenting his division of formulas and discussing the formulas that he mentioned and analyzing them, and in the fourth section, we indicate the opinion of the latecomers - those who came after him - in accepting or rejecting the division. The most prominent conclusion of the study that al-Zurqani has followed his predecessors in rooting formulas, and arranged what scattered from their ideas in certain words. Nevertheless -according to what appeared to us– erred in making him look for the narrations be as the formula first, and erred in refusing narrations in possible formulas in exchange for explicit formulas, he carried the words of al-Suyuti above what it bears. It is more reliable to consider soundness in the narrations of the reasons of revelation before considering the formula, because the formula is a subsequent consideration.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024