
This page will be frequently updated with new names.
All editorial members are named in the top 2% of scientists in the world by Stanford University through the Elsevier Data Repository.
Editor in Chief
Dr. Tutut Herawan
Affiliation: Universiti Malaya, Malaysia (Scopus ID: 35085139400)
He is named in the top 2% World Scientists Ranking by Stanford University and Elsevier BV for years 2019; 2020; 2021 + on the career-long achievement top list (20 years’ impact); 2022 + on the career-long achievement top list (20 years’ impact) (released in 2023)
Associate Editors
Dr. Haruna Chiroma
Affiliation: University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia (Scopus ID: 55583663400)
Dr. Norliyana Mohd Shuib
Affiliation: Universiti Malaya (Scopus ID: 35230654200)
Journal of Information Systems Research and Practice (JISRP)
Editorial Office: Dept of Information Systems | FCSIT | Uni Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Phone: +603 7967 6300
E-mails: jisrp@um.edu.my
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