Author Guidelines



    Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that it follows the recommended format. Failure to do so may result in an outright rejection of you manuscript.

    You are advised to download and use the template here to prepare your manuscript for JML.


    (i)        Submission of the manuscript

    • Keep within the stipulated word length.
    • Include an email address and professional affiliation for each contributing author.
    • Include an abstract of not more than 250 words long.
    • List not more than eight relevant keywords.
    • Submit both Word and PDF files of your contribution to ensure the proper typesetting of special characters
    • Check that all sections, subsections, examples, tables, figures, notes, etc., are numbered consecutively.
    • Check your manuscript carefully to minimize errors.


     (ii)      Special attention

    • Check the references systematically to ensure tedition conventions.hat all in-text citations are also listed in the reference section. Additionally, check that all references have corresponding in-text citations. Referencing and in-text citation method should follow the APA 7th edition conventions.
    • Please be sure to obtain written permission for the use of material (e.g., maps, figures) for which the copyright is owned by others.




    (i)        Submit two separate files:

    • Cover Sheet
    • Article 


    (a)       Cover Sheet

    The following information should be included on the title page and must be submitted as a separate file:

    • Paper title
    • Abstract (max. 250 words)
    • All authors’ names, professional affiliations, institutional / work email addresses
    • Indicate who the corresponding author is and full (institutional) mailing address and contact number
    • Biodata (max. 60 words) for all authors


    (b)      Article

    The following information should be included in a blinded copy of the manuscript (containing no author information or reference) and submitted as a separate file:

    • Paper title
    • Abstract
    • Keywords
    • Body
    • Acknowledgments (if any)
    • References
    • Appendices (if any)


    (ii)       Length

    • Research articles: The maximum number of words for the full article is 8,000 words, inclusive of footnotes, references and the abstract [For a rough estimate: one page consists of 2400 characters (including spaces and punctuation)]. 
    • Research notes: The number of words for submission of research notes should be between 3,000 and 4,000 words, inclusive of footnotes, references and the abstract.


    (iii)      Tables, figures, and illustrations

    • Label all tables and figures (graphs, line drawings, photographs, etc.) with numbered captions that clearly describe them.
    • Place table captions above the tables.
    • Place figure captions below the figures.
    • Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively throughout the text.
    • Photographs and scanned images should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, line drawings min. 1200 dpi.
    • If figures are embedded within the text, please also supply figures as separate files for typesetting.
    • Do not end the text immediately preceding the insertion point for a table/figure with a colon, as the exact positioning of these elements cannot be determined until after the manuscript has been typeset.


    (iv)      Spacing

    • Manuscripts must be typed using 1.5 line spacing throughout.


     (v)      Margins

    • Top, Bottom, Left, and Right: 1 inch.


     (vi)     Copyright

    • Open Access authors retain copyright of their papers, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium with no fees or charges, provided that the original work is properly cited.




    (i)        Title

    • Use title case, e.g. Title of the Article: A Case Study
    • Separate title and subtitle with a colon.
    • Titles should not be obscure and lengthy (not more than 15 words).
    • Font size and type: Times New Roman, 16pt, bold, right aligned.


    (ii)       Authorship information

    Provide the following information about the authors:

    • Full names
    • Professional affiliations
    • Institutional email addresses
    • ORCiD
    • Corresponding author


    (iii)      Abstract

    • The abstract section should be independent and should not contain citations.
    • The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
    • Include below the abstract no more than eight keywords reflecting the content of the paper.
    • Avoid ill-defined terms and unclear concepts.
    • Avoid abbreviations other than those firmly established in the field.
    • Font size and type: The word Abstract must be in Times New Roman, 12pt, italics.
    • The abstract should be in Times New Roman, 12pt.


     (iv)     Body

    • Use 1.5 line spacing.
    • Avoid using no more than three hierarchical levels for section headings.
    • All headings begin flush left and should follow the following numbering system, e.g.:
    1. First level Heading: Title style, font size 14, in bold

                            1.1     Second level Heading: Title style, font size 12, in bold

                            1.1.1   Third level Heading: Title style, font size 12, in bold and italics

    • Capitalize the first letter of each content word, e.g., The Capitalization of Titles in English.
    • Each level must be in Times New Roman, 12pt, justified
    • Indent the start of a new paragraph 1 cm (tab) even after a heading, table, figure, or bulleted list.
    • Only use italics to emphasize or mark items in your text (not bold or underlined).
    • Font size and type: Times New Roman, 12pt, justified.


    (v)       Notes

    • Essential notes should be placed as footnotes, as indicated by the superscript numbers in the text. 
    • Font size and type: Times New Roman, 10pt, justified.


     (vi)     Acknowledgments

    • All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the paper before the references, and may include supporting grants, people who assisted with the study etc.


    (vii)     References

    • The format for reference entries should follow the APA 7th edition conventions. 
    • All works cited in the running text must be listed in the reference section.
    • The reference section should include only those works that are cited in the text,
    • Entries should show the full title and subtitle of each word.
    • Page numbers of articles in journals or edited works should be included.
    • Reference entries for multiple works by the same author/editor or group of authors/editors should be listed chronologically, with the oldest publication at the top and the newest at the bottom.
    • The reference entries for authored works and edited works by a single author should not be mixed together but grouped separately.
    • For each reference, use 1.5 spacing and a hanging indentation of 0.5 inches..
    • The list of references must be arranged in alphabetical order and the entries should not be numbered.


    (viii)    In-text citations

    (a)        Integral citations

    • One author: Bouissac (1985)
    • Two authors: Smith and Jones (1995)
    • Three or more authors: Crismore et al. (1993)
    • et al. is not italicized.
    • Use and to conjoin author names in the running text, but ampersand [&] in the references.


    (b)       Non-integral citations

    • One author: (Bouissac, 1985)
    • Two authors: (Smith & Jones, 1995)
    • Three or more authors: (Crismore et al., 1993). 
    • Several works by one author: (Pillai, 2008, 1999a, 1994b)
    • Works by different authors: (Bouissac, 1985; Deakin, 1993) [Alphabetical order]


    (c)        Information for in-text citations

    • Last name of the author
    • The year of publication
    • The page number(s) for the reference (direct quotes only).


    (d)       Quotations

    • Short quotations (less than 40 words) should run-on in the text and should be enclosed in double quotation marks.
    • Single quotation marks enclose quotations within quotations.
    • Longer quotations (40 words and more) should appear as a separate block and should not be enclosed in quotation marks. The block should begin on a new line and indented. The citation to the source should be placed at the end of the quote following the punctuation.
    • Always give the last name(s) of the author(s), the year of publication, and the page number(s) for quotations in in-text citations.


    (e)        Samples:

    • Short quotations:

    It was said that "What is taught and how it is to be taught entail teachers moral judgments and commitments"  (Frank & Quiroz, 1997, p. 208).


    According to Frank and Quiroz (1997, p. 208), “what is taught and how it is to be taught entail teacher’s moral judgments and commitments”.


    • Long quotations: 0.8 inches before text indentation; 0.5 inches after text indentation (refer to section d)


    (f)        Cross-references

    References to section/subsection numbers within the article should include the capitalized word section followed by the section number, e.g.: (see Section 4.2).

    • References to tables or figures within the article should include the capitalized word Table or Figure followed by the table or figure number, e.g.: (see Table 3).
    • Do not cite page numbers within your own article or page numbers in other articles in the issue.


    (ix)      End-text references

    • Provide both the place of publication and the name of the publisher.
    • Translate titles in languages other than French, German, Spanish, and Italian into English. The translation should appear in square brackets directly following the italicized original title.
    • Abbreviate editors as Ed. or Eds. For editions of a book, use ed., e.g., 7th
    • Do not do the following:
    • Drop digits in inclusive page numbers.
    • Abbreviate the names of journals, book series, publishers or conferences.
    • Use et al. in reference entries. All authors/editors names should be listed.


    (x)       Appendices

    • If any, appendices should be placed after the references.