Submission Guidelines

Journal of Shariah Law Research
Instructions to Author on Writing and Publication Format
JSLR welcomes articles, book reviews, case reports and commentaries and legislation updates for consideration of publication. Aspects covered are all related to Islamic or Shariah law both theoretical and application with the emphasis on contemporary issues with a research element.
Ethical and Legal Conditions
Please observe the normal practice pertaining to ethical and legal conditions before submitting your piece. Author must agree that their piece does not infringe any copyrights law or involved in any unethical conducts or illegal act pertaining to the piece or manuscript submitted for consideration. The publisher will not be liable to any claims by third party or parties on the infringement of any laws or contracts. 
Online Submission
Before submission, author must ensure all the writing format and rules are observed. Please upload source files such as (.word) etc and not pdf files. Please use virus checker before submitting your manuscript.
All submission must be made through adress and email to the Editor-in-Chief as below:
Editor in Chief
Journal of Shariah Law Research (JSLR)
Department of Shariah and Law
Academy of Islamic Studies
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Length of Article
An issue contains about the range between 100-150 pages with maximum 6 or 7 articles. Number of words for full article is between 5,000-7,000. Book reviews and case reports can be shorter than the above.
Language and writing style
Please use standard Malaysian Bahasa Melayu or either British or American English. The author is responsible to ensure the spelling and grammar are correct. The use of spelling checker before submission is encouraged. Please observe transliteration of Arabic words if the words are used in the manuscript. If the verse from the Quran is written please use copy paste to ensure accuracy. Please use italics for foreign words and do not use underline or all capital letters.
Manuscript structure
The review process of the article is double blind. For this purpose please provide a title page containing the title, names of author or authors with the affiliations, postal address and email address. If more than single author, correspondent author must be indicated. Please provide manuscript in double spacing lines with font size of 12.
On the manuscript text please provide only title of the manuscript and followed by an abstract containing background or research questions, objectives, methodologies used, findings and policy implication. Abstract must not more than 200 words. Please provide 3-5 keywords after the abstract.
References and Notes
Use author-date style for citation of sources (author, date: page).  When name of the author is mentioned in the text the reference should only mention the date and page. Name of cases or legislations and explanation can be given in the footnotes. Full citation of the references must be given at the end of the article using the following guidelines:
1. Books
Author (date). Title. Place: Publisher (please use if more that three authors)
2. Chapter in book
Author (date). Title of chapter in book. Name of Editor (ed.). Title. Place: Publisher pp.
3. Article in Journal
Author (date). Title. Journal vol.(no.) pp.
4. Thesis and Dissertation
Author (date). Title. Degree. Department/Faculty, University, City
5. Conference Paper/Proceedings
Author (date). Title of Paper. Presented at name of conference. City and Country. Date. 
Verse of the Quran is mentioned in the text starting by name of the surah and followed by number of the verse – al-Baqarah: 23
Citation of the legal cases as provided by the law reports with the name of the case is written in italic. Reference to the legislation should contain the number or/and the year of the law.
Consent to publish
By submitting the manuscript the author agrees to transfer the copyright to the publisher after the article is accepted for publication. For this purpose the author needs to provide a consent letter to publish when submitting the manuscript.  The letter should also contain declaration on that the manuscript is the original work of the author(s).
On-line Publication
This journal is an open access journal and therefore can be accessed freely. The author is expected to agree with this arrangement. Printed copy is however available on purchase.