
  • Lukman Thaib University of Malaya, Malaysia


Law on Aceh Government (UU-PA), Local Regulation (Qanun), Development Mechanism, Economic Development and Transnational Cooperation


The leadership of Indonesia and Aceh both want a form of political stability and peace in the province of Aceh (Naggroe Aceh) through division of power that is balanced and dignified. For the people of Aceh the ‘ Law on Aceh Government(UU-PA)’ is something that should be linked to this. In the process of creating a stable economic growth, the leadership of Aceh should give priority to producing a set ‘local regulation (Qanun or Perda)’ that can bring about a new development mechanism which can be considered as an initial effort to translate the implementation of the ‘Helsinki MoU and UU-PA’ in the form of action plans for the implementation of development and economic activities in the province of Aceh. This article will try to elaborate on what is thought to be useful in planning the re-development of Aceh, which are, among others: An Aceh leader with a vision, developing in a participatory manner and enabling innovation, ensuring political stability and peace, a leadership that gives priority to micro-economic policy, the need to introduce a new development mechanism such as ‘public corporation’. It is necessary also for Aceh leadership to make an effort towards establishing ‘Transnational Cooperation’ with the global community to attract foreign investors. The final two points are related to the obstacle to the development in Aceh. These are: the large amount of non-productive funds in the Bank of Indonesia in Jakarta and the existence of corruption in the Aceh bureaucracy.



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List of Statutes

Undang-Undang Republic of Indonesia, No. 11.

Undang-Undang Republic of Indonesia, 296.

UU-PA of the Law on Aceh Government (UU-PA).

