i. The paper should be within the themes of `Aqidah, Islamic Thought, Studies of the Qur'an dan the Hadith, Islamic history and civilisation, or Da`wah and Islamic human development.
ii. The paper should be either in Malay, English or Arabic.
iii. The paper should not exceed 6,000 words, excluding the footnotes.
iv. The paper should be typed using only Times New Roman font version 5 and above for Roman characters, including the transliteration, while Traditional Arabic font should be used for Arabic or Jawi characters. Paragraph formatting and overall presentation should conform to the practice of Journal of Usuluddin, as can be seen in the example paper, Azmil Zainal Abidin, "Asas Keintelektualan Tradisi Kalam AshÄ`irah: Suatu Analisis Metodologikal," Jurnal Usuluddin 35 (January-June 2012), 1-24, which can also be accessed at Journal of Usuluddin Website in UM@E-Journal (http://e-journal.um.edu.my;http://e- journal.um.edu.my/filebank/published_article/4163/Jurnal.Usuluddin.35.2012-02.Azmil.Asha%60irah.pdf).
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vi. The paper should be supplemented with (a) titles; (b) abstracts not exceeding 150 words and; (c) keywords not exceeding seven terms, both in Malay and English.
vii. The paper should be scholarly. Transliteration should be used in the Romanisation of Arabic words. The transliteration, basically, should follow the Romanisation style of American Library Association - Library of Congress or ALA-LC Romanisation Tables (http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/roman.html;http://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/romanization/arabic.pdf).
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