Current Issue

- University Succession Planning: A Conceptual Review of Models in Malaysian Context (Page 1-20)
- Practices and Challenges of Instructional Leadership Among International Baccalaureate Schools’ Middle Year Programme Coordinators: Conceptualizing A Research Framework (Page 21-36)
- Paternalistic Leadership and Teachers’ Professional Development in China (Page 37-70).
- Exploring The Relationship Between Teacher's Transformational Leadership And Student Creativity In Chinese Higher Vocational Colleges: A Research Framework (Page 71-84)
- Menuju Komuniti Pembelajaran Profesional: Kajian Kes di Institusi TVET MARA di Malaysia [Towards A Professional Learning Community: A Case Study at the TVET MARA Institution in Malaysia] (Page 85-104)
- Relationship between Lecturers' Transformational Leadership and Higher Education Students' Eating Behaviours (Page 124-150)
- Exploring The Relationship Between Teacher's Transformational Leadership And Student Creativity In Chinese Higher Vocational Colleges: A Research Framework
Educational Leader (PEMIMPIN PENDIDIKAN) is a double-blind peer-review journal produced by the Department of Educational Management, Planning, and Policy, Faculty of Education, University of Malaya. Educational Leader invites the submission of manuscripts that contribute to the improvement of quality of educational leadership, management, planning, and policies. All manuscripts related to theoretical and methodological approaches are welcome. We accept manuscript in any mode of inquiry (e.g., positivist, interpretive or critical approach) with the qualitative, quantitative or mix-research methods that have the potential to contribute to our understanding of educational leadership. We strongly encourage authors to consider both the local and global implications of their work. The journal’s goal is to clearly communicate with a diverse audience including both school and higher education levels readers, e.g. students, teachers, parents, and educational leaders. Additionally, the journal is interested in manuscripts that explore the causal relationship between leadership and its factors or outcome variables. Authors can submit their manuscripts in either English or Malay language. Submission and publication of an article in this journal are free of charge.
The journal is indexed in MYJURNAL (http://www.myjurnal.my/public/browse-journal-view.php?id=634)
e-ISSN: 2601-0011