Pengaruh Sosioekonomi ke atas Penglibatan Ibu Bapa India dalam Pendidikan Anak di Rumah: Satu Perbandingan Antara Murid Pencapaian Tinggi dan Murid Pencapaian Rendah

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Suresh Kumar N Vellymalay


This study focused on the influence of parent's socioeconomic status on parental involvement in their child's education at home. Eighty students from one of the best performance-based National Type Tamil Schools in Kedah were chosen based on purposive sampling. Out of the eighty students, forty were high achievement students and the other forty were low achievement students. A questionnaire was used by the researcher to obtain quantitative data from the students' parent; related to the parent's socioeconomic status and their involvement in their child's education at home. In-depth interviews were conducted with the students to gather information on the level of parental involvement in their child's education. The findings of this study indicated that most parents regardless their socioeconomic background showed high involvement in most of the strategies at home. However, the strength of the parent's education level and the economic position among the parents from the higher socioeconomic background increases the understanding, knowledge and the parent's capability in helping their children more efficiently and effectively in their education.



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