Permasalahan Identiti: Penilaian Konsep Defisit Identiti dan Konflik Identiti

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Muhamad Nadhir Abdul Nasir
Rosila Bee Mohd Hussain


In elaborating the concept of identity, individuals will try to identify the cause for their existence, and also in knowing their 'self'. In relation to this matter, this article discusses the meaning of identity in various dimensions, in particular from the Sociology and Psychology perspectives. In the next part, the discussion focuses on the problems existed in the individual identity formation by concentrating on the problem of identity deficit and identity conflict (that exists in various physical, emotional and spiritual situations. In describing the aspects of identity problems, this paper provides examples encountered by disabled person (Orang Kelainan Upaya or OKU) who went through the process of identity formation. Then, the authors also list down measures to reduce or control the problems that exist in the formation of an individual's identity. Finally, the authors propose possible solutions to response to the problems encountered, with respect to the various modes and situational forms of identity covered by the individual 'self' in controlling the formation of their identity.



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