Safeguarding Halal Integrity Through Halal Logistics Adoption: A Case of Food Manufacturers

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Yusrizal Sufardi Mohd Yunan
Mohd Helmi Ali
Syed Shah Alam


Safeguarding the halal integrity of products has become a part of ethical business practice in the halal supply chain. The concept of wholesomeness in the halal supply chain should cover the entire supply chain—from farm to fork. Therefore, all players in the supply chain should adopt halal logistics. Due to scarce research on halal integrity in the context of logistics, this exploratory study investigates the relationship between halal logistics and relative advantage, ease of use, and compatibility in lieu of safeguarding halal integrity. The result shows that a relative advantage resulting from halal logistics adoption was the most significant motivational factor in maintaining halal integrity. Surprisingly, ease of use and compatibility did not play a significant role in influencing the manufacturers’ efforts to safeguard halal integrity. This study contributes new knowledge of halal logistics adoption and the maintenance of halal integrity. Moreover, this research also provides fresh and insightful practical implications based on the results of the study.



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