Patterns and Outcomes of Migration and Remittance Flows in Nigeria: An Exploratory Evidence

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Chukwuma Agu
Anthony Orji


This study examines patterns and outcomes of migration and remittance flows into Nigeria. The analysis includes remittances from persons who were not former members of households but who send remittances to households in the country as well as return migrants. The aim is to study the effects of remittances on the economy of Nigeria as their implications for growth, while taking into cognisance income from the country of origin. Results show that there are differences in the number of households that receive remittances in different regions of the country (North vs South), and there are also differences in the number of senders from different destinations. The study also shows that both internal and international migrations in the country are driven by the search for meaningful livelihood, particularly as it relates to improved employment opportunities. To this end, this study serves as a fundamental step towards understanding dynamics of migration and remittances in Nigeria. It therefore recommends that sound labour and migration policies should be implemented by the government in order provide jobs for the rapidly growing population and also to maximise the benefits of internal and international migration (within and outside the continent).


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