About the Journal

Journal of Sinological Studies (ISSN 2180-4729), published by the Department of Chinese Studies, University of Malaya, is a peer-reviewed multi-lingual, mainly English and Chinese, and multi-disciplinary international journal that publishes research findings on classical Chinese Studies, in the areas of Chinese classics, history, philosophy and thought, literature, and religion. This journal also publishes articles on modern Chinese literature and the studies on Malaysian Chinese.

The journal has signed a Memorandum of Understanding and is currently in collaboration with the Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture published by Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, together with Fu Jen Philosophical Studies published by Fu Jen University.

《漢學研究學刊》(国际书号2180-4729) 是马来亚大学中文系出版的多语文(主要为中、英文)定期国际性学术刊物,刊登內容以传统经、史、子、集为主,兼及现代华文文学和马华文化等方面的研究成果。本学刊目前在编审以及稿源方面与韩国成均馆大学出版的《儒家哲学与文化学刊》以及辅仁大学出版的《哲学论集》保持密切的合作关系。