本土与原乡:论吴岸诗歌中的伦理抉择 "Homeland Identity" or "Motherland Identity": Ethical Choices in Wu An's Poetry


  • Pik Wah Fan


Wu An was born on July 24, 1937 in Kuching, Sarawak. He was third generation Chinese in Malaysia. A well-known poet, Wu was the winner of the fourth Malaysian Chinese Literature Prize. Born during the Second World War, he thrived through the period of colonialism, participated in the strife for the independence, and experienced bitter imprisonment. Wu's literature was embedded with a strong sense of nationalism and realism. With high political fervor, Wu produced many distinguished poetry throughout his lifetime. In 2012, he published anthology of his own work, entitled Fading Smile. It was a significant collection of his writings since 1953. Based on poetries compiled in Fading Smile, this article analyzes the tension and concurrence between Wu An's patriotic consciousness and ethnic identity, examining the ethical choices between his "nationality" and "ethnicity".

Keywords: Wu An, Malaysian Chinese Literature, Homeland identity, Motherland identity, Ethical Choice


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