《国史唯疑》双云堂抄本传藏考略 A Brief Study on the Transmission and Collection of Hand-Copied Guo Shi Wei Yi of ShuangYunTang


  • Yanqiu Yang


Guo Shi Wei Yi, written by Huang Jingfang at the end of Ming Dynasty is a precious piece of historical data for studying Ming history. Qing and modern times scholars such as Goa Zhao, Lin Jie, Xu Gui, Quan Zuwang, Zhou Xingyi, Fu Yili, Xu Shidong, Miu Quansun, Fu Zengxiang, Meng Seng and so on, copied, commented, wrote preface and postscript, all of them respected and cherished this work. Xiong Deji and Chen Shikai, in collected versions of Gao Zhao, Hong Ting, Shuang Yun Tang, Yan Yu Lou, Zhou Xingy, Qi Ju Xuan, and Qi Ju Xuan of Taiwan and sorted out the reference materials and proofread, and published the book. The writer of this book experienced the transition from Ming to Qing dynasty. The book was handcopied and after it was completed, so the writing time, application, the process of the propagation and collection are discussed, and not the final conclusion. In reading this hand-copied book of ShuangYunTang in Tian Yi Ge Library, and on viewing the related historical documents, the author of this article made an attempt to study the related problems and hoped to carry out further research work in the related area.

Keywords: Guo Shi Wei Yi, Hand-copied Book of ShuangYunTang, Tian Yi Ge Library


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