作为讲义的《中国近三百年学术史》 Chinese Academic Hisotory of the Recent 300 Years as Lecture Notes


  • Xiao Hong Xia


This papre analyzes and puts into context the masterpiece of Liang Qichao entitled Chinese Academic History of the Recent 300 Years. This masterpiece has been compiled in the form of lecture notes when Liang taught the subject in Tsinghua University between 1923 and 1924. Besides, this paper examines the writing in context, i.e. looking at how Liang Qichao weaved and changed the lecture notes to better present his ideas. It also reviews the related research and publication during the same period. Furthermore, this paper also views the masterpiece in the context of Liang Qichao's research on Qing Dynasty, highlighting its significance on the studies of social thought history, intellectual school history and academic history respectively. Finally, it discusses his reality concerns behind academic research and the students' response.

Keywowrds: Liang Qichao, Chinese Academic History of the Recent 300 Years, lecture notes, history of academic, Qing academic history


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