20世纪词学研究成果量的阶段性变化及其原因 Research on lyric studies in 20th century: Stages of change and its factors


  • Zhaopeng Wang


There are 22909 results of research conducted on lyric studies (studies of the Chinese poetic ci genre) in the 20th century. It was growing at a rate similar to studies in other sciences. It has gone through four stages of change: 476 research results at the beginning stage (1901-1932) with a yearly average of 14.9 research results; 1496 research results at the primary stage (1956-1978); 17615 research results at the steady stage (1979-2000) with a yearly average of 800.7 research results. From 1933-1936, research on lyric studies has shown a significant growth for the first time, it was influenced by the famous scholar, Long Yusheng and the "Journal of Lyric Srudies" edited by him. Lyric studies research could maintain a steady development due to the emergence of the "Foreign Legion" in 1966-1976 during the Cultural Revolution in China. After 1979, research on lyric studies has developed rapidly due to the ideological emancipation and the economic growth of the political, social and cultural environment. It is also directly related to the education system and the development of publication and dissemination.

Keywords: 20th century, lyric studies, total of research, quantitative analysis, history of lyric studies


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