徐松诗文辑佚 Newly Found Poems and Articles of Xu Song


  • Yuqi Zhu


Xu Song (1781-1840) was a key proponent of the School of Qianjia at its later phase, besides as a leading figure in the transition of Qing Period's scholarship. Other than his biography, scholar Miu Quansun had produced a collection of Xu's works. But generally speaking, Xu's works are largely scattered. From his achievement in acedemic and other writings, we can infer that Xu's writing ability and literary talent were far beyong ordinary. From the comments of his contemporary, we can also get some impressions about Xu's literary accomplishments, including very high remark from others. Miu Quansun's collection, named Anthology of Mr. Xingbo, was only managed to glean 31 pieces of Xu's works, but later, a preamble was found by him too. Along my own research, I have also continually discovered pieces of Xu's works. I had published a compilation of Xu's letter under the title of Xu Song's Personal Letter, while this paper iwll present another 32 pieces of newly found literary works of Xu.

Keywords: Xu Song, School of Qianjia, Xu Song's Poems and Articles


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