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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Dear authors, we regret to inform you that Jummec will be closing down at the end of December 2024 and will no longer be accepting new submissions.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed at the end of the manuscript after the references.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Submissions must be accompanied by a scanned (.pdf) letter of consent, signed by all co-authors who have contributed to the writing, containing the following information:

    "The manuscript represents original, exclusive and unpublished material. It is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Further, it will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until a decision is conveyed regarding its acceptability for publication in the Journal of Health and Translational Medicine. If accepted for publication, we/I agree that it will not be published elsewhere, in whole or in part without the consent of the Journal of Health and Translational Medicine. The undersigned author(s) hereby transfer/assign or otherwise convey all copyright ownership of the manuscript entitled (insert the title of the article) to the Journal of Health and Translational Medicine."


    the author should declare for conflict of interests, financial support and provide informed consent (verbal/written) from all participants/patients involved in their study, ethics number, clinical trial registration number (if applicable) for all research using human samples and animals.

    *Submission without a letter of consent signed by all authors will be rejected.

Author Guidelines

We accept articles written in either British English or American English but the language usage should be consistent throughout the manuscript. 

Each manuscript component must begin on a new page in the following sequence: (1) title page; (2) abstract and keywords; (3) text; (4) acknowledgements; (5) references; (6) figure legends; (7) tables; and (8) figures. You can download the template here. Please submit figures as separate figure files (jpeg or gif) with 300 dpi resolution or better.

Type manuscript double-spaced throughout (including reference list and figure legends), and contain continuous line numbering down the left-side of each page. Number pages consecutively commencing on the title page.

Articles should be not more than 6,000 words not including references and headers. If the author wishes to have a higher word limit, kindly indicate this in a request letter to be appended with the submitted manuscript. However, JUMMEC will insist that all manuscripts written as case reports and letters to the editor be limited to 3,000 words without exception. 

Accepted file types:

Please be aware that the combined size of your files should not exceed 40 MB.

For article text: txt, doc, docx. We are unable to accept pdf files for article text.

For figures: tiff, jpg, pdf

The Title Page

The title page should contain a concise title of the article. names of all contributing authors, affiliations, abstract and keywords.  At the bottom of the title page, please write Correspondence followed by full name, affiliation and email of the respective author. 

The Abstract

Limit the number of words to 500. For case reports, word limit is 150. It should state the purpose of the study, a brief description of the procedures employed, main findings and principal of conclusions. At the end of the abstract, please include an alphabetical list of 3-5 keywords and subjects for indexing. Choose the appropriate keywords as these will be used for subsequent retrieval.

The Text

It should consist of an Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion/ Recommendation. Systeme Internationale (SI) Units should be used. Use only standard abbreviations. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.


Number the references in the order of mention in text. References in the text should be indicated by a figure within parenthesis e.g. (1,2). Limit references to 30, if possible. Identify references in text, tables and legends. The Latin abbreviation “et al” should be italicized.

The titles of journals in the list should be abbreviated according to the Index Medicus.

Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references. The editor can only check for correctness of format. Follow the examples of forms of references as shown below.

Journal references should be cited as follows:

Online article:

  1. Eric BT. Cardiomyopathy workup. on Medscape. 2019. Available at: Accessed 19 May 2020.
  2. World Health Organisation. Broken hearts don’t self-heal. 2017. Available at: Accessed 19 May 2020.
  3. Thailand International Cooperation Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Sufficiency economy philosophy. 2019. Available at: information/7107. Accessed 12 August 2020.

Journal article:

  1. Said M, Saygili S, Rana ER, Genz O, Hahn C, Bali J, et al. Cardiomyopathy: what we have learned in the last 25 years? A comparative literature review. Curr Cardiol Rev. 2016;12(4):291-7.
  2. Sachdev E, Merz CN, Mehta PK. Cardiomyopathy heart condition. Eur Cardiol. 2015;10(1):25-30.


  1. Uppu RM, Murthy SN, Pryor WA, Parinandi NL. Free Radicals and Antioxidant Protocols. 2nd Mumbai, India: Humana Press. 2010.
  2. Castles S, Miller MJ. The Age of Migration: International Population Movements in the Modern World. 5th London, England: Macmillan. 1998.

Book Chapter:

  1. Benton G, Gomez ET. Belonging to the nation: generational change, identity and the Chinese diaspora. In: Gomez ET, Benton G, eds. Belonging to the Nation: Generational Change, Identity and the Chinese Diaspora. New York, United States: Routledge. 2015:1-14.
  2. Joly D. Introduction. In: Daniѐle J, ed. International Migration in the New Millennium: Global Movement and Settlement. Burlington, VT: Ashgate. 2004:1-11.
  3. Harris N. The economics and politics of the free movement of people. In: Pѐcoud A, De Guchteneire P, eds. Migration without Border: Essays on the Free Movement of People. 1st New York, USA: UNESCO. 2007:33-50.


  1. Wang Y. Roles of macrophage mitochondrial oxidative stress and mitochondrial fission in atherosclerosis. Thesis. Columbia: Columbia University Libraries. 2014.


Start each table double-spaced on a separate sheet. Do not submit tables as photographs. Give each table a number in order of mention in text. Provide footnotes for explanatory matter and identify in alphabetical order all abbreviations used. Place all tables and figures at the end of the manuscript after the references. You may place callouts for the table and figures in the text. For example, write “INSERT TABLE 1 HERE” to show where the table should appear within the text. All tables should be prepared for publication vertically.


We prefer that all illustrations and figures be submitted electronically. For electronic versions, authors are advised to submit figures as JPEG, TIFF or GIF formats; powerpoint slides and images embedded in Word documents do not transfer well to print unless they are simple line art. Abbreviations, arrows, symbols, numbers or letters used in the figures are to be identified and explained in the corresponding legends. Submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce any previously published figures. Colour photographs will be published at the author’s expense.


Neither the editors nor the publishers accept responsibility for the views of authors expressed in the contributions.

Manuscripts submitted to JUMMEC should be prepared according to the American Medical Association (AMA) Manual of Style (11th edition).
Refer to editorial policies for more information. 

Journal of Health and Translational Medicine

Conference Proceeding & Abstract

Conference Proceeding & Abstracts are not listed in SCOPUS.

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