2022: Malaysian Congress of Radiology (MCOR 2022)


  • Malaysia Society of Radiologists Universiti Malaya


The Malaysian Congress of Radiology (MCOR) was held physically on 7-9
December 2022 at the Ascott Gurney, Penang. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic, the last physical MCOR was in 2019, held in Kuala Lumpur. The
theme for this year’s meeting was ‘Precision Imaging: Beyond Pixels And
Positrons’. The programme consisted of plenary lecture, keynote lectures,
special interest group focused lectures and special focus sessions conducted by
expert international and local speakers, sharing the latest updates
developments in the radiology and molecular imaging fields. There were
several intensive radiology exam preparation sessions as well for the trainee

This conference also provided an opportunity for trainee radiologists and
academic radiologists alike to present their research and interesting clinical
cases on a national scale. The top abstracts of those submitted were selected
for publication in JUMMEC and the top 3 of the oral and poster presentations
received prizes during the conference. This special edition is a culmination of
the research work of many radiologists and radiology trainees, and much
gratitude goes to JUMMEC for making this edition possible.







Conference Proceeding & Abstract