The Implementation of Professional Learning Community: A Study in Tvet Mara College in Malaysia

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Fazlina Mohd. Sani
Bambang Sumintono
Zuraidah Abdullah


Collaborations among educators at TVET institutions must be promoted through a Professional Learning Community (PLC) to accelerate students' learning in skill competency to achieve better results. Thus, this study aimed to explore the domain of PLC practised by educational leaders and educators at MARA Higher Technical Colleges of TVET instituti­ons in Malaysia. The information was gathered from educational leaders (ELs) and educators from four TVET MARA Colleges through a single case study using a qualitative approach with inductive reasoning, semi-structured interviews, and open-ended survey techniques. The data were organised using a thematic analysis technique through open coding and the 'axial coding' procedure. Furthermore, the ATLAS.ti 22 software was employed to classify these themes and establish relationships to find meanings that fit this study's purpose. The analysis revealed six PLC domains that closely represented the large power distance and collectivism of Asian society. Furthermore, this study found that trust and collaboration are essential factors in developing social and human capital among educators. In addition, recommendations for future research were provided.


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