The Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture (JCLC) is a multi-disciplinary journal publication published bi-annually to provide a platform for excellent academicians or postgraduate students to publish their research findings. Contributions of articles based on original research are invited from scholars working in the field of Chinese literature and culture.
Current Issue
Vol. 12 No. 1 (2024): Journal of Chinese Literature And Culture 马大华人文学与文化学刊
专题论文:70后马华作家作品研究 / Special Issue: A Study of the Works of Malaysian Chinese Writers Born in the 1970s
01 陈大为(CHAN Tah Wei)
据实的虚构——论张草小说及其文化资源 / Fiction Based on Facts: On Zhang Cao’s Fiction and Cultural Resources
15 杨慧莹、蔡晓玲(YANG Huiying & CHAI Siaw Ling)
一场出逃的旅行:论许通元小说《我的老师是恐怖分子》中的情动体验 / A Journey of Escape: A Study of Affective Experience in Kho Tong Guan’s Short Story My Teacher is a Terrorist
33 罗晓珊(LOH Siaw San)
行旅中的生活与回眸——论伍燕翎散文集《移动的光》 / Life and Reflections on the Journey: A Discussion on Ng Yean Leng’s Moving Light
47 韦丁华、潘碧华(WEI Dinghua & FAN Pik Wah)
黎紫书小说叙事转向:古典小说技法与影像叙事 / The Narrative Turn in Li Zishu’s Novel: Classical Novel Techniques and Visualised Narrative
一般论文 / Research Article
77 钟怡雯(CHOONG Yee Voon)
天子脚下:非虚构视野下的“北京学” / In the Emperor’s Shadow: “Beijing Studies” from a Non-Fictional Perspective
93 吕鸣仁(LEE Ming Ren)
舒国治“垮掉一代”式的公路流浪本质与意义探微 / An Analysis of the Nature and Significance of Shu Guozhi’s “Beat Generation”-Style Road Wandering
109 金睿瑜、廖冰凌、黄丽丽(KIM Rui Yu, LIAU Ping Leng & WONG Lih Lih)
马华少儿电视剧的死亡主题改编策略——以许友彬小说为例 / An Research on Adaptation Strategy of Death Theme in Malaysia Children’s TV Series: Khor Ewe Pins’ Novel as Example
稿约 / Note to Contributors
Published: 2024-03-30
Published: 2025-01-20