
  • Muhammad Amrullah Drs Nasrul International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Hidayat Buang Universiti Malaya, Malaysia
  • Noraini Noh Amanah Raya Berhad, Malaysia
  • Nurin Athirah Mohd Alam Shah International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia


family dispute, estate administration, ARB, mediation, beneficiaries


Despite being under the same laws, the practical aspects on administration of estate of a deceased person is different subject to case by cases basis. For some families, there are disputes that exists relating to the inheritance that must be resolved. Such occurrence of disputes may be caused by several factors. This include instances such as family members who are not satisfied with their portion, disagreement with the appointed personal representative and cannot forget with past problem between the family members. The existence of such disputes can affect the flow of estate administration and eventually lead to adverse implication including rendering the assets frozen due to absence of management application or causing delays in the estate administration. Being one of the administrative bodies, these are among the situations encountered by Amanah Raya Berhad (ARB) in their management of the deceased asset. As a personal representative with experience over 90 years in handling estate administration cases, ARB have developed their own practice to address the arising disputes. The aim of this paper is to discuss on how ARB addresses the family disputes in estate administration. This paper also will determine the suitability of mediation to be implemented by ARB as part of ARB practice in managing estate administration cases. This paper undertakes a library-based study as a research method through the analysis of selected materials including journal articles, academic writings, statutes and cases. The results of this paper shows that ARB is emphasizes on the aspects of discussion and negotiation in handling family disputes in estate administration. There is however, a room to improve on the aspects of disputes resolution, particularly via the implementation of mediation as suggested in this paper.



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List of Statutes

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List of Cases

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