organisational commitment, agreeableness, openness to experience, policy, shariah and nursesAbstract
This study digs into the dynamic interplay of agreeableness and openness to experience, examining their tremendous impact on organisational commitment among nurses in Malaysia. Using a cross-sectional technique, 666 nurses were surveyed at Malaysian public hospitals. The intriguing findings show a significant relationship between agreeableness, openness to experience, and organisational commitment. Notably, nurses’ agreeable character and receptivity to experiences emerge as catalysts, affecting their self-organisational commitment and therefore fortifying the groundwork for heightened hospital efficiency. This study reveals the vital connection between individual characteristics and organisational commitment, offering light on the complex interactions that drive nursing performance and, thus, the overall success of healthcare services. This study also highlights the importance of organisational commitment from shariah and law perspective. Finally, the study provides practical implications for human capital and organisational behaviour.
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