The miraculousness of the Qur'an in its guidance to human behavior

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'Abid Taufik Al-Hashimi


Human behavior is a critical issue in mankind’s journey through life. Human minds are still bewildered (or / at loss) regarding how to steer human behavior. The gracious Al-Mighty perfected in its guidance of humans towards their destined path. (God who created me, shall guide me) Sura Shuara 78. God’s guidance was comprehensively embodied in Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) and us we as Muslims follow in his footsteps and take his conduct as example for a righteous path in principle that was practically proven. This godly guidance includes the human individual in five aspects: (Soul, mind, Spirit, Heart, and Body) we can elaborate in this regard in our comparison between the wisdom of the noble Quran in its guidance towards righteous behavior and the wandering confusion towards which the holy book leads to. In respect to the body, the Quran mentions the progress of the till birth. (We created thee in phases) Sura Nuh.14. Human behavior is driven by three factors: Human kind innate mutual factors hereditary. Genetic factors with its individual differences. Genetic mutation. I have, thus, aimed to elaborate on these factors with what corresponds along with the noble Quran, the Sunna, and new science which corresponds with the righteous behavior that God has implanted mankind with originally. I have also discussed the impact of the surrounding environment on behavior whether it be good or bad. I have concluded my research paper by showing the effect of the wise Al-Mighty power on the universe (for God is the creator of all blessed is he God of all mankind) Sura Araaf, 54. Humans are of tow types: Either a righteous soul or one that swayed away from the enlighted path. Staying on the right path is the fruit of belief in God’s ordained guidance and losing the way is due to the entrapment of sins.


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Research Article (Arabic)