Determination of Children’s Hadanah Rights Against Couples of Different Religions: A Study of Cases in Jurnal Hukum


  • Nursharina Shereen Hasmuri University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Mohd Norhusairi Mat Hussin University of Malaya, Malaysia


couples of different religions, hadanah, child’s religious status, children’s wellfare, Jurnal Hukum


This article is an analysis of the approach used by Syarie Judges in deciding cases on hadanah involving couples of different religions in the Jurnal Hukum. Clashes of jurisdiction often occur especially when it involves the child’s religious status and custody of the child after a unilateral conversion. Besides that, this article wants to identify the concept of hadanah according to the perspective of Islam and Law in Malaysia in the same way to study the provisions regarding the determination of the religious status of minors in Islamic Law and Civil Law in more detail. This study found that the approach used by Judges in deciding cases on hadanah involving couples of different religions was by considering the factors of the importance of justice as well as the welfare of children as the main basis. However, duplication of jurisdiction still occurs in the case of Indira Ghandi gives impression that Article 121 (1A) of the Federal Constitution has not been able to guarantee the position of the Syariah Court institution is not compromised by the Civil Court. Therefore, amendments to the provisions of existing laws need to be refined to achieve overall uniformity.



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