Practice of Marital Agreements in Divorce Application Cases: A Study in Selangor Shariah Court


  • Rahmah Safinaz Ngspar University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Mohd Norhusairi Mat Hussin University of Malaya, Malaysia


marital agreements, divorce application, Shariah Court, ta‘liq


The rate of registered divorce application cases in the Shariah Court indicates a significantly concerning number and requires a proactive approach to ensure that these cases are resolved effectively. The current developments in handling divorce cases in the Shariah Court indicate that the court has adopted Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) as a method for resolving cases more efficiently in terms of time and cost for the parties involved. This study was conducted to identify the concept and legal status of Marital Agreements according to syarak and the laws and also its practice in divorce application cases in Selangor Shariah Court. The research data was collected through library research, case studies, and interview methods, and analyzed using a qualitative approach. This study found that the context of the implementation of Marital Agreements in the Shariah Court is broader than the concept of ta‘liq and allows parties to include any agreed-upon terms voluntarily in the agreement. Therefore, a comprehensive study of the implementation of Marital Agreements is found to have the potential to be an alternative for resolving any disputes in Shariah Court involving divorce application cases.



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