Implementation of Online Hearings in Selangor Shariah Courts


  • Imaan Aminnuddin University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Mohd Norhusairi Mat Hussin University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Hidayat Buang University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Rahmah Safinaz Ngspar University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Norazlina Abdul Aziz Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia


online hearings, Shariah Court, the COVID-19 pandemic, technology, transformation


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the closure of almost all government and private premises, including syariah judicial institutions in the country. This affected the proceedings in court cases which had to be postponed due to the closure of the court. Case registration could not be carried out even though various complaints regarding family problems were received during the period of the movement control order (MCO). In order to ensure justice and avoid the continuous postponement of cases, the court operation initiative during the MCO period is implemented by conducting online hearings procedures. This study aims to examine the concept of online hearings according to the syariah and legal perspective as well as examine its implementation procedure in the Shariah Court of the state of Selangor. This study also analyzes emerging issues regarding online hearings based on current practice in court. Research data was collected through library research and interview methods as well as a qualitative approach through conceptual analysis methods and content analysis was used by dividing the data obtained into specific themes to achieve the objectives of the study. The findings of the study showed that online hearings do not contradict with shariah pronciples and should be implemented in accordance with the needs and public interest of the community. However, the loopholes that exist in the existing law as well as the lack of facilities based on current technological developments are still constraints to the implementation of online hearings more efficiently. Following adaptation to new norms during the pandemic, the medium of online hearings is seen to be capable of being a catalyst towards digital transformation to smooth the governance system in the Shariah Court.



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Senarai Temu bual

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Tajudin Abdul Wahab (Pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi Syariah Selangor), dalam temu bual bersama beliau pada 15 Januari 2021.



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