Changes of Fe Matrix's Lattice Constant during Liquid Phase Sintering of Fe-Cu-C Compacts by X-ray Diffraction Techniques

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Mustapha M
Masrom A.K
Mohammad M
Meh B
Harun Z


The dissolution of graphite and copper during sintering of PM steels prepared from iron, copper and graphite powder mixes were studied using X-ray Diffraction method. This paper investigation carried out to study the changes of iron's lattice constant during liquid phase sintering of the compacts. The electrical conductivity measurement method was also used for determining the extent of carbon and copper dissolution and its influence on the formation of sintered compacts. In the experiment, the Fe-Cu-C powders were compacted into a pellets using hand press machine and were then sintered in a 5% H₂ + 95% N₂ gas atmosphere at different sintering temperature in the range of 400°C and 1200°C. The effect of sintering parameters on the mechanical properties of the sintered compacts was studied to find a correlation between mechanical behaviour, microstructure, and the resistivity in order to develop non-destructive testing method. It was observed that measurement of Fe matrix's lattice constant and electrical conductivity of sintered compacts could be a viable method in studying all stages of sintering process.


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How to Cite
M, M., A.K, M., M, M., B, M., & Z, H. (2002). Changes of Fe Matrix’s Lattice Constant during Liquid Phase Sintering of Fe-Cu-C Compacts by X-ray Diffraction Techniques. Malaysian Journal of Science, 21, 59–64. Retrieved from
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