Bioactive phenolic constituents of some Ochnaceae of Cameroon

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B. Bodo', M-T. Martin M-T. Martin
A. Till', B. Messanga
R. Ghogomu- Tih


25 Bioactive polyflavonoids from Lophira alata, L. lanceolata and Ochna calodendron were discussed. Structural elucidation was performed by spectral methods, notably 2D NMR: COSY, HNABC and NOESY


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M-T. Martin, B. B. M.-T. M., B. Messanga, A. T., & Tih, R. G.-. (2000). Bioactive phenolic constituents of some Ochnaceae of Cameroon. Malaysian Journal of Science, 19(1), 53–60. Retrieved from
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