The publishing of MJS special issues is available for any international conferences. Selected papers must include both local and foreign authorship. Upon applying, the organizer should email MJS the conference brochure with sufficient details; for editorial board evaluation. The papers will be selected based on the scope of the journal and the merit of the papers. 


  1. All special issues must receive initial approval from MJS Editorial Board; where a publication agreement has to be signed between MJS and the organizer requesting the special issue.

  2. Selected articles should be at least 70% from international authors.

  3. The review process and editorial procedure: Special issue articles should fulfill all the normal requirements of MJS guidelines. The special issues editors from the conference organizer will select the articles and if the articles meet the appropriate standard, scopequality, originality, and significance. Authors need to submit their papers via MJS online submission system.

  4. Submitted manuscripts must be in English. Editors should make it clear to authors that upon submitting, the acceptance for publication is subject to MJS editorial decision. A special category dedicated to the conference will be created in the 'Section' and authors will submit their papers under that conference name.  From there, the submission will be processed accordingly.

  5. The appointed Special Issue editor by MJS is expected to oversee the peer review process prior to its acceptance to be published. Guest editors are also expected to apply the same editorial rigor as MJS editors. Nevertheless, the guest editor's name will be included in the front cover whereas details about the conference will be included on the second page of the special issue publication.

  6. Length:  A full Special Issue should comprise of approximately 10 -15 articles or 120 pages only. The number of papers to be published will depend on the outcome of the review process. Should the full publication exceed the 120 pages limit, the extra papers will be published under the regular issue in addition to the special issue.

  7. Special issues will be in addition to the three (3) regular issues per year. 

  8. Cost: Publication cost: All costs to be covered by the party requesting a special issue is USD2,500*

    *Payment to be made shall follow the current exchange rate.