Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling (MOJPC) (eissn: 0128-1402) is double-blind peer reviewed, international, and professional refereed journal in the interdisciplinary fields relevant to Psychology and Counselling. The Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling serves as a platform for presenting and discussing the emerging issues in psychology and counselling-related areas. The journal aims to promote dialogue and exchange of information about psychology and counselling, particularly in the Asia Pacific region, as well as internationally.  Therefore, the editor welcomes papers for publication that provide practical, conceptual, or research contributions with the above perspective in the following areas:

  • Theories and models of Psychology & Counselling
  • Case studies and special applications in Psychology & Counselling 
  • Psychology & Counselling services in Asia Pacific Rim countries
  • Reports on Psychology & Counselling in specific settings
  • Diversity and underrepresented populations in relation to Psychology & Counselling activities
  • The development of new measures to be used in Psychology & Counselling activities
  • Professional issues in Psychology & Counselling and its supervision

The Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling also considers manuscripts that deal with clients who are not severely disturbed, who have problems with living, or who are experiencing developmental crises. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are appropriate. Extensions of previous studies, implications for public policy or social action and psychology & counselling research and applications are encouraged. Articles of quality will show academic rigor, originality, relevance and be of interest to the Journal readership base on Psychology & Counselling.

Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling is publish two times a year (June & December) in English or Bahasa and considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that they have been submitted only to Malaysia Online Journal of Psychology & Counselling, that they have not been published already, nor are they under consideration for publication or in press elsewhere. Contributions to Malaysia Online Journal of Psyhcology & Counselling must report original research and will be subjected to review by referees at the discretion of the Editorial Office.