Maritime Heritage and the Belt and Road Initiative: A Historiographical Perspective on Malaysia's Journey as a Maritime Nation


  • Ismail Ali History Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, MALAYSIA
  • Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, M. Hum Department History, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Diponegoro, INDONESIA



Maritime Nation, Malaysia, Seas, Oceans, Belt and Road Initiative, Southeast Asian


The seas and oceans have traditionally been a source of inspiration in the search for truth, and has gone on to successfully negate the human worldview that associated it with various elements of mythos and superstition.  The seas and oceans also have their own advantages in that they have strengthened the relationship between countries and helped form a united spirit, mutual understanding, unity, and generate wealth. It is an invaluable, irreplaceable, and unmodifiable treasure. In the traditional narratives of the Malay World, the close tie between "sea-folk" and seas such as the South China Sea, the Sulu Sea, the Sulawesi Sea, the Flores Sea, the Java Sea, the Banda Sea, and so on which are all found within in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean is undeniable. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that the changes and developments that exist in the Southeast Asian region today, i.e. from bearing the characteristics of traditional governments to becoming modern nations are anchored to the seas and oceans, and the role played by seafaring tribesmen who had the seas run in their blood. However, nowadays it seems that these services and sacrifices for thousands of years seem to have remained only in the annals of history and not been paid much heed to. The emergence of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) doctrine introduced by China in 2013 appears to have given new hope to the seas and oceans to be elevated once again and used as an agenda for development by various countries in the region.  Hence, this paper aims to discuss several terms, concepts and scopes in marine discipline; the importance of marine history teaching in the region from a histiographical perspective; the extent of how far the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) doctrine has been given serious attention by Malaysia towards becoming a maritime state; the opportunities and obstacles challenges; and some prerequisites to be taken into account in making this mission and vision for Malaysia a reality.



