Isu dan Pola Kecenderungan Undi Wanita dalam Konteks Persaingan Politik UMNO dan DAP di Johor, PRU 12 hingga PRU 14

Issues and Patterns of Women's Vote in the Context of UMNO and DAP Political Competition in Johor, GE 12 to GE 14


  • Muhammad Naim Fakhirin Rezani Fakulti Pengajian Umum dan Pendidikan Lanjutan Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, MALAYSIA
  • Zulkanain Abdul Rahman Jabatan Sejarah, Fakulti Sastera dan Sains Sosial Universiti Malaya, MALAYSIA
  • Fatimi Hanafi Pusat Latihan Intern dan Pengayaan Akademik (CITrA), Universti Malaya, MALAYSIA



UMNO, DAP, Johor, Politic, Women


The role of women in politics is not only a complement to the democratic system of practice, but it plays an important role in determining the viability of their respective political parties in the context of competition to strengthen their position. This study discusses the political competition between DAP and UMNO in Johor in the context of femininity, i.e. the details of the candidates at stake by both parties as well as the issues brought up by female candidates during the campaign. The competition of female candidates from these two parties is determined by two main factors, which are the candidates that the parties stake and the issues that are brought up during the campaign period. These two factors further affect the political survival of these two parties in the context of competition in Johor. In addition, women's voters also play an important role as political determinants in Johor. The dominance of these female voters allowed each party to determine the political viability of Johor as the number of female voters increased. Nowadays, every political party in Johor tries to show their women to to gain more support from women’s voters. In addition, this article discusses the tendency of votes from women in Johor based on primary data from the Malaysian Election Commission. Therefore, this study found that the role of the female candidates who are staked by these two parties is one of the important factors in determining the political survival of their respective parties in Johor based on the selection of female candidates who are competing and the issues brought by the female candidates in the election campaign period in this state.

Received: 3 April 2024

Reviewed: 4 April 2024

Accepted: 30 June 2024


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