The Manifestation of Miraculous Effects of the Quran on the Creatures from the Perspective of the Al-Quran, Hadith and Science

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Sharifah N. Bani Syed B.
Ahmed S.A. Alqodsi


Allah the Almighty revealed the Holy Quran to our prophet Muhammad PBUH as the eternal miracle. Among the types of the miracles of the Holy Quran, is its miraculous effect, which leaves a great impact on the reader; Arab and non-Arabs, Muslim and non-Muslim. It not only effects human, but also all creatures in general. This study attempts to disclose the manifestation of the miraculous effects of the Holy Quran to human beings and creatures in general, in the perspective of the Holy Quran, hadith and scientific research. The study applied the descriptive and analytical method through studying the Quranic verses and the hadis, which are related to the miraculous effects. It also mentioned few examples of the scientific research of positive cases that were positively affected by healing through the Holy Qur'an. The study shows that the Holy Quran has a clear effect on humans and creatures, and it is proving that the miraculous effects of the Holy Quran could be categorized as one of an independent miracle itself, besides other types of Miraculous of Holy al-Quran. This study achieved to highlight another types of the miracle of Holy al-Quran, which have been accepted by the traditionally and contemporary Muslims scholars. This another type of the miracle of Holy al-Quran is focused on the effects or influence of Quranic verses to creatures, by reciting or listening to the al-Quran.


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Research Article (English)