Review Process for Manuscript Submission to the International Journal of Quranic Research (QURANICA)


Initial Submission: 

Authors submit their manuscript via email to QURANICA through the online submission system, adhering to the journal's formatting and submission guidelines. 


Editorial Desk Review: 

The editorial team of QURANICA reviews the manuscript to ensure it meets the journal's scope, formatting, and quality standards. If the submission is appropriate, it proceeds to peer review. If not, the authors are informed of the rejection. 


Peer Review: 

All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of quality and integrity. The review process is double-blind, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. Manuscripts are reviewed by experts in their respective fields, and the editorial team makes decisions based on their recommendations.  

(How many) expert reviewers in the related field are assigned to review the manuscript. Reviewers assess the manuscript's methodology, originality, significance, and relevance. They provide feedback and suggestions to the authors and recommend one of the following: accept, minor revisions, major revisions, or reject. 


Author Revisions: 

Based on the reviewers' comments, the authors revised the manuscript, making necessary improvements. They also provide a detailed response letter addressing each reviewer's comment and explaining the changes made. 


Second Round of Review (If Necessary): 

The revised manuscript is sent back to the reviewers for a second review if major revisions are requested. Reviewers evaluate the revisions and provide further feedback to ensure the concerns have been adequately addressed. 


Editor's Decision: 

The Editor-in-Chief of QURANICA reviews the reviewers' comments, the revised manuscript, and the authors' response letter. Based on this assessment, the Editor-in-Chief makes a final decision: accept, minor revisions, major revisions, or reject. 


Final Decision and Notification: 

The authors received a decision letter from QURANICA. In this case, the letter indicates that the manuscript has been conditionally accepted pending minor revisions. The letter includes feedback from the reviewers and outlines the required revisions. 


Revisions and Final Submission: 

The authors revise the manuscript according to the feedback and submit the revised version along with a response letter addressing each revision. The Editor-in-Chief reviews the revisions to ensure they meet the reviewers' expectations. 


Proofreading and Publication: 

Once the manuscript is accepted, it undergoes proofreading and formatting by the author verified by the journal's editorial team. The authors may review and approve the final version before publication.