At Quranica, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity in the content we publish. We recognize that post-publication corrections are sometimes necessary to preserve the accuracy of the scholarly record. Here is how we handle these situations:


  • Notification of Errors: We encourage readers, authors, and reviewers to report any errors or concerns about articles published in our journal promptly. Such notifications should be directed to the editorial office through our designated contact channels.
  • Assessment Process: Upon receiving a report of a potential error, our editorial team will review the claim in consultation with the original reviewers and, if necessary, external experts. This process is designed to assess the severity and impact of the reported issue.


Types of Corrections:

  • Errata are issued for minor errors that do not affect the article's overall understanding or validity.
  • Corrigenda are published when authors need to correct errors that are accountable to them and could compromise the study's integrity or accuracy.
  • Retractions are issued in cases of serious issues such as ethical breaches, fraudulent data, or fundamentally flawed conclusions.


Implementing Corrections:

If a correction is warranted, it will be published as a separate, citable item linked to the original article.
Notification / announcement: This correction announcement will detail the changes made and reasons for those changes, ensuring transparency. This will be made available on the website.


Archiving Changes and Visibility:

All changes will be clearly documented and will be directly accessible from the original article. The original article will be retained in the scholarly record to maintain the integrity of our academic record, with a note and link indicating that a correction or retraction has been issued. This will be made available on the website.